A lot of girls complain when the guys they are interested in don't seem to realize how wonderful and amazing they are and fall madly in love with them. I used to be the same way (Okay, I still have days).
But what do you do when guys realize (or at least say that they realize) how wonderful and amazing you are and still don't want to date you? Girl sense, which really isn't very sensible, would say overwhelm him with your wonderfulness until he realizes that you are the one for him, and that he can't live without you. Or, in an attempt to not be that crazy girl, do you stop talking to the guys that don't understand and don't want to date you? Well, that would be great, except for that I personally would end up with very few guys left to talk to. And I like hanging out with my guy friends.
After months of pondering over this question, I have no good answer. I think the only thing I have to say is to give up, and just be myself. If I am myself, it doesn't matter, right? If someone likes hanging out with me for being weird and childlike and a spaz, great. If they don't want to date that, that's okay too.
More importantly I need to remember not to lose focus. Focus on my relationship with the Lord, because that's ultimately the only relationship I have full control over. The Lord will always be there, just waiting for me. He KNOWS how wonderful I am and everything I am capable of. He doesn't care if I am a hottie or a sweet spirit. And He likes me the way that I am, and the way that I can be. It's always my choice.
A-freaking-men, sister! I seriously love this post. It's amazing. And so are you.
I like you the way that you are too, Maren! You're gggggrrrrrreat! (Imagine Tony the Tiger)
Relationships are too complicated to really understand. But I figure that as long your having fun, why worry about making sense of it.
I think that being yourself is the key! Way to go. And don't forget the some people just want to be friends. I know, it sounds dumb but there are people out there who can see just how amazing you are (or anyone for that matter) but have some reason for not dating you. You can never know what is going on inside their head. Maybe you just have to give them time. It's funny, I have a friend who seems to always want things the opposite of me so I can fight him or I can give him what he wants. Often though when I give him what he wants he changes his mind (but only when I change MY mind) and so it makes things difficult. Maybe there is something to learn from that.
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